Add Sponsor

Add a Sponsor to your database when you want to track the following information:

  • Sponsor Information (who and what they are sponsoring)
  • Contact Information (the primary contact individual)
  • Sponsor Fees
  • Invoice and Payment Information

To add a Sponsor, use the following steps:

  1. Go to Modules>Awards>Find, Query, or Add Award>Award Profile>click the add sponsor icon. The Add Sponsor page opens.
  2. In the Add Sponsor page, you see the following icons that allow you to perform actions on the page:
  3. Use this Icon To Perform this Action
    edit icon to open an edit page for that field.
    add icon to add a new record for that field.
    look up icon to see a list of individuals, customers, or other appropriate person records select the record you want to return to the wizard. The fields are populated with the person's information.
  4. Use the descriptions in the table below to enter information in the Award Sponsor Information section:
    Field Name RequiredDescription
    awardRequiredPopulated automatically with the name of the award from the profile.
    sponsorRequiredEnter a sponsor's name or click the look up button for a list of available individuals, households, and organizations.
    typeRequiredSelect the type of sponsorship this sponsor will provide
  5. Move on to the Contact Information section.
  6. Use the descriptions in the table below to enter information in the Contact Information section. Much of this information is populated automatically once you select a sponsor.
    Field Name Required Description
    addressOptionalSelect an address from the drop-down list.
    phoneOptionalSelect a phone number from the drop-down list.
    faxOptionalSelect a fax number from the drop-down list.
    emailOptionalSelect an email from the drop-down list.
    urlOptionalSelect a web address from the drop-down list.
    notesOptionalEnter notes about the sponsor's contact information.
  7. Use the descriptions in the table below to enter information in the Sponsor Fee Information section:
  8. Move on to the Invoice & Payment Information section.
  9. Use the descriptions in the table below to enter information in the Invoice & Payment Information section. Depending on the type that you choose, you may see some or all of the fields listed in the table below.
    Field Name RequiredDescription
    batch: drop downRequiredSelect an existing batch form the drop-down list or add a new batch by clicking the add icon.
    po numberOptionalEnter a po number. Enter up to 50 characters, numbers or letters.
    typeRequiredSelect the type of payment from the drop-down list. Depending on what type you select, you will see some or all of the fields below.
    transaction dateRequiredEnter or select a date for the transaction.
    payment methodRequiredSelect a payment method from the drop-down list. Depending on what payment method you select, you see some of the fields in the table in step 3.
    # of installmentsRequiredEnter the number of installments necessary to complete the payment.
    frequencyRequiredSelect the frequency of the payment installments.
    proforma?OptionalClick this check box if the payment is proforma.
    invoice termsRequiredSelect the invoice terms from the drop-down list.
    first payment dateOptionalEnter or select the first payment date for installment payments.
    notesOptionalClick the notes icon to open the Invoice Notes page. On the Invoice Notes page, you can enter internal notes for users of iWeb and external notes for users of eWeb.
  10. Fill in the fields in the payment method pane as described in the table below. Depending on the payment method you choose, you see some of the following fields but never all of them.
    Payment MethodField NameRequiredDescription
    cashreference numberOptionalEnter an optional tracking number for cash payments.
    check / TeleCheckname on checkRequiredEnter the full name on the check.
    check / TeleCheckcheck numberRequiredEnter the number on the check.
    TeleCheckaccount numberRequiredEnter the checking account number.
    TeleCheckrouting numberRequiredEnter the nine-digit routing number.
    creditcardholder's nameRequiredEnter the full name on the card.
    creditcard numberRequiredEnter the full credit card number.
    creditexpiration dateRequiredSelect an expiration date.
    creditCVVOptional Enter the credit card security code from the back of the card.
    credit / TeleCheckcc/check street addressOptional Check the existing address.
    credit / TeleCheckcc/check cityOptionalCheck the existing city.
    creditcc/check state & zipcodeOptionalCheck the existing city and zipcode.
    TeleCheckcc/check zipcodeOptionalCheck the existing zipcode.
    TeleCheckdrivers license numberOptionalEnter the check holder's drivers license number.
    TeleChecksocial security numberOptionalEnter the check holder's social security number.
    credit / TeleCheckcc/check emailOptionalCheck the existing email address.
  11. Click the Save button to save the new Sponsor and return to the Award Profile. Click the Cancel button to return to the Award Profile without saving your changes.